Silent Sounds

Welcome to Silent Sounds (SG) – Where Thought Finds Its Voice.

At Silent Sounds, we believe philosophy isn't just for the page — it's for the ear, the mind, and the community. Our platform is home to a wide variety of podcasts that dive into timeless ideas, contemporary dilemmas, and the pursuit of wisdom across the ages. Whether you're a curious beginner or a seasoned thinker, Silent Sounds invites you to explore deep questions and discover new perspectives.

But we don’t just stop at podcasts. We also host live events, creating spaces for real-time discussion, exploration, and connection. From thought-provoking lectures to interactive workshops, our events bring philosophy to life, allowing you to engage with ideas and fellow thinkers in meaningful ways.

At Silent Sounds, every conversation is an opportunity to reflect, challenge, and grow. Start listening. Start thinking.

First Philosophy

Edmund Husserl says philosophers must be eternal beginners, so in this podcast, we return to our beginnings: great lectures! Our first season centers around Dr. Awee Prins and the lecture series Human Conditions.

Each episode is a dive into various philosophical themes, blending insights from great thinkers with contemporary issues and encouraging contemplative conversations on what it means to be human in an ever-changing world.

Sonia Shvets and Kas Molenaar—fellow travelers and hosts of First Philosophy—will provide brief interludes, insights, and introductions to the various topics and lectures.

Human Conditions

In the podcast series Human Conditions, Julien, Rolf, and David zig-zag through time and space, traveling through philosophical history and investigating a condition that affects us all: the human condition.

We are David van Putten, a teacher and researcher focusing on the philosophy of financial debt, and Julian, an assistant professor of social philosophy, as they delve into the profound and often complex issues surrounding human existence. Rolf is a PhD interested in Articifical intelligence and shares Julian’s love of chess. In each episode, they examine the conditions that shape us—individually and collectively—asking what it means to be human today.

Why do we call them Human Conditions? First, they refer to a shared experience—we could say that we all suffer from human conditions. Second, our lives are shaped by various forces—social, political, historical, and economic. These diverse conditions influence the way we think, feel, and act.

In this podcast, David, Julian, and Rolf explore these conditions in-depth, questioning how they shape our thoughts on ethics, society, politics, and everyday decisions. Whether discussing the role of financial systems in our lives or the philosophical implications of social structures, Human Conditions invites you to think deeply about the forces that define us.

Tune in for insightful discussions that challenge conventional thinking and encourage you to question the essence of being human.

Uitgesproken Twijfel

Twijfel is het halfjaarlijks tijdschrift van de Faculteit der Wijsbegeerte aan de Erasmus Universiteit. Sinds 2011 werken enthousiaste studenten samen met tutoren, professoren en andere auteurs aan de edities, die elk in een eigen thema worden geschreven. Van de dood, tot humor en zelfs de stad Rotterdam – niets blijft onbesproken.

In onze laatste editie over de liefde schreven we over Erich Fromm, Modern Love en de erotiek. Ook kwam de onconventionele liefde in de vorm van een menage à trois tussen Friedrich Nietzsche, Paul Rée en Lou Andreas-Salomé ter sprake: ‘Twee mannen en een alleenstaande vrouw verenigd onder hetzelfde dak! Dit zou allemaal een beetje Voltariaans zijn, nietwaar?’

Dit essay, en meer, is terug te luisteren via de podcast: Uitgesproken Twijfel.

Political Compositions

Stille Geluiden